Hello and welcome to our blog! We wanted to create this little web page for all of our friends and family to keep track of us over the next few years. There is a lot going on in our lives at the moment, so here’s a short timeline of where we will be for the next couple of months.
We are leaving Seattle on April 27th, and driving to Chicago. We are planning to stop through Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wall Drug, The Badlands, and all of those fun places on the big road trip. Then, we’re making our way to Minnesota to visit with some friends there for a few days before we head to Chicago for about 2 weeks. It should be a comical sight with the little Infiniti packed with Spike and Flip, towing a 2000 lb trailer behind us. Hopefully we will make it up the mountains!
We leave Chicago on May 14th for 2.5 months in Belize and Honduras. We’ll be in Belize first, probably until June 1st or 2nd, and then we are planning to go to the Bay Islands off Honduras for a few days before we start a house-sitting job in Honduras from June 7th through August 5th. We will be living at a couple’s house in La Ceiba, and watching their dog while they are visiting family and friends in the States for the summer. We get free rent and they get a free dog and house sitter. It’s a perfect match!
After our tropical summer of diving and playing with an adorable German Shepherd, we are moving to Riverside, California where Chris will begin a 5 year PhD program in Entomology (aka bug studies).
We are really sad to be leaving Seattle, and all of our friends here. Over the past years (8 for Kimmy, 3 for Chris), they have become more like family than friends, and we will miss them more than they can ever imagine. On the plus side, we are looking forward to more sunny days than rain, and being a great vacation destination...hint hint...
We will do our best to keep you updated as we move from Seattle to Central America and finally back to Chris's old stomping ground in SoCal. I’m sure we will have some entertaining encounters along the way, and we hope you enjoy reading our blog.
Lots of love,
Kimmy and Chris