Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Wonders of South Dakota

For those of you who have never driven through South Dakota, here is a glimpse of all the fun things to do along I-90. For anyone who has done the very long drive, here's a trip down memory lane...

Crazy Horse - the Native American version of Mt. Rushmore, celebrating Indian culture throughout the US. A work in progress, and very impressive.

Mt. Rushmore - enough said. Check out the close up of Lincoln!!

Wall Drug - greatest tourist trap on Earth. There are literally over 100 billboards leading up to this destination.

The Bad Lands - my personal favorite. Years of volcanic ash and erosion created this National Park.

Prairie Dogs - found all over the Bad Lands. Not quite this big, but still really cute!

And last, but certiainly not least, we have the Corn Palace. You would think the whole thing was made out of corn, but it's only the sides of the building.


B G said...
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B G said...

Is there a Wallgreen's Drugstore in Wall Drug?

Christopher said...

I'm afraid not. I don't think there are even drugs there. Just crap that sits in houses all over america and collects dust.