We've had a great visit home, and we got to spend lots of time with our families and friends.
So, it's bye for now... and let the adventures being in Central America. We will write as soon as we can.
Here's a picture right before our first flight of the day today. We are flying from Chicago to Florida and then Florida to San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
Thanks for singing to us Chris - and thank you for saying goodbye!
Take Care. I look foward to hearing about all your adventures to come! love you guys.
How'd you guys manage to write this blog while you were standing outside on the curb waiting to go? You got one of them fancy iPhone dealies or something?
Safe travels! Can't wait to see cool fish pics :)
Hope you guys have a blast down in Honduras. Tracy and I went there last year and absolutely loved it! I definitely look forward to reading about your adventures.
you guys look extremely pale..
I hope to see my favorite crackers toasted in upcoming weeks!
I miss, miss, miss you guys but I LOVE the stories from your blog. Keep them coming because I love to hear about all your adventures!
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