Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pathetic Pair

It all started yesterday, when "Montezuma Strikes Back" (the sequel to "Montezuma's Revenge" first premiering in Belize) returned to Kimmy's stomach. Our plans to drink Pina Coladas and relax in the sun was hampered by some clouds, and Kimmy's constant trips to the bathroom. Luckily she was able to drink some fresh squeezed Lime Daiquiris during a heated Rummy Tournament. But in the middle of the night her stomach pains increased and we debated going to the Emergency Room. I served her ginger infused chamomile and eventually things settled so that she could get some sleep.

This morning, I guess I decided that sympathy pains wouldn't be good enough this time, so I busted my head open. I had the trash bag in one hand, and was fumbling through the dozen keys we have to open up a side gate, when BAM (and I mean BAM!!!) I walked right into an air conditioner sticking out the side of the house. Things went black for a split second and I dropped the keys and garbage bag. Kimmy found me kneeling next to the laundry sink with quite a bit of blood pouring through my hair and fingers. We found some Hydrogen Peroxide and Kimmy cleaned me up, bloodying quite a few paper towels in the process.

Here's the air conditioner and the hair it took from me. I'll spare you the pictures of the actual wound, but you get the idea. And yes, I am up to date on my shots. Don't worry Moms and Dads, the cut isn't too deep. Head wounds just tend to bleed. And Kimmy has had a victory today. She kept down her morning toast.

Kimmy and I have thus spent a pathetic afternoon in the TV room. Me with one hand applying pressure to my leaking head wound, and the other rubbing Kimmy's bubbling tummy. Have pity on us.

As for Ruby, she is very confused about whats wrong with her new friends. She also has acquired a taste for Doggie Fungal Cream and important documents. Don't worry Karine and Tom, these are just growing pains.


Karine and Tom said...

"oh no, Oh no, and OH NO!"- Our words after reading your post. So sorry about the killer air conditioner and illness. We hope things run a bit smoother tomorrow and that all three of you have a relaxing, accident-free day!

Claydude said...

Chris, you make yor head wound sound so terrible, I hope you're OK

Libberash said...

Ouch indeed! No trips to a Honduran emergency room please. Get/Feel better both of you!