Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Copan is the most famous of the Honduran Mayan Ruins. Unlike other Mayan ruins we have seen, Copan is full of sculptures, totem-pole like statues, and color. Similar to Tikal, the streets in the town of Copan were cobblestone, with many shops, restaurants, bars, and tourists. Chris's Mom, Nancy, was in town visiting, so no hoStel for us. We stayed at a very unique hotel overlooking the ruins. The Hacienda San Lucas runs on solar power alone, so at night the rooms were lit by candles, and kerosene lamps outlined pathways that took you from the outdoor entrance of your room, to the restaurant, and though the beautiful gardens.

Cocktail hour at Hacienda San Lucas. Inset shows the Mayan ball court visible from the hotel.

Here is one of the many sculptures in Copan. Notice the traces of red paint.

Here is Chris and the famous old man god, Pauahtun.

There is a bird sanctuary near Copan that we went to after the ruins. They had around 30 different species of birds there, most of them from Honduras and other parts of Central and South America. We got to one area of the tour and our guide basically threw a handful of parrots on us all!

Kimmy a little scared by the birds

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