Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Due Date

Today is Bean’s due date!  It seems like s/he is perfectly content hanging out for a little while longer, so we aren't feeling too optimistic that we’ll get to meet him/her just yet.  At my weekly appointment yesterday my midwife gently reminded me that many first time moms go 10-14 days past their due dates, and to hang in there.  All of my and the baby’s vitals are still doing well, the amniotic fluid levels are good, and s/he is still very active.

Even though we've had this date circled on our calendars since December, we're surprisingly not all that anxious that Baby isn't here.  There is a never-ending to-do list that we’ll continue cranking through, we’re both really busy at work (yes, I am working up until the baby gets here – but only working from home), and Wilson gets to be a spoiled only child for a little bit longer.    

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