Sunday, June 29, 2014

Because... France?

We love living in France.  It's beautiful, the food is delicious, there is history everywhere, and we have shutters on our windows.  But living in another country, you find things very odd that may (or may not, who knows) seem normal to the locals.  So in an effort to blog more frequently and more about where we live, we're going to post about all of the things we find bizarre about France.  When we see these random things happening and ask each other 'why is ____ going on right now' - and the answer is usually... Because... France?

In today's Because... France? post, see the picture below.  As I was walking home from the grocery store on Friday, this bee-keeper had his hive of bees pollinating just one of the City of Versailles sidewalk flower planters.  He had little traffic cones up on the sidewalk on either side of the planter, blocking pedestrian traffic on one of the major streets in downtown Versailles.  What?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ha! My American friends and I played that same game when we lived there. Ours was more like "oy, the French"